Monday, November 17, 2008

The Simple Woman's Daybook

for Monday, November 17, 2008

Outside my window... it's COLD and I am a very happy girl.  We were sweating last week; this is a wonderful change.

I am thinking... that it is nice not being in a hurry today. No appointments.  No deadlines.

I am thankful for...  the opportunity to homeschool.  I love watching Doc Brown and Obi Wan-da learn new things and I am in awe that I play a part in that.

From the learning rooms... A Thanksgiving lapbook.  I checked out a bunch of books about the first Thanksgiving from the library so we'll begin the day with snuggle time on the couch.

From the kitchen... I'm going to make a pot of stew this morning and let it cook all day.  It's one of my cold weather favorites.

I am wearing... pjs that match for a change (a gift from my sister) and a sweatshirt.

I am creating... still working on the Jesse Tree ornaments.  I still need to draw 10 more ornaments and then we'll begin painting.

I am going... to the library today... maybe.  I think we need a book about Squanto to make our Thanksgiving lapbook complete.

I am reading... "Follow My Leader" by James B. Garfield.  I'm starting to pre-read the books we're going to order from Sonlight next year.  

I am hoping...  that I don't fall off the stage during our church's Christmas musical.  I really don't want to be on Youtube as the crazy lady who took a nosedive during Oh Come! Oh Come! Emmanuel.  

I am hearing...  PB coming home from the gym.  The house will start hopping soon.

Around the house...  a lot less clutter.  We donated a bunch of stuff to a garage sale including a lot of toys the kids don't play with anymore.  Where does it all come from???

One of my favorite things...  Christmas music.  It's almost time to start playing it in the car.

A few plans for the rest of the week...  wrapping up school so we can take Thanksgiving week off.  

Here's a photo I thought I'd share:
The kids like to make costumes for their stuffed animals.  Superhero bear appears to be wearing a hospital gown.  I'm not sure what the school bus is for.  I hope it's not acting as an ambulance.

Visit the Simple Woman's blog if you'd like to participate in the daybook.


Tiffany said...

Please post pictures of the Thanksgiving lapbook! I have lapbooking fever but no time to pull it together to do one with my kids.
I LOVED the book "Follow My Leader," it is so good. It's one I've wanted to re-read to the kids. Grace probably doesn't remember it at all.
Have a great week!

Mindy said...

First, I love the name of your blog! Also, I am a fellow home school mom and I an so thankful for the chance to do it. Enjoyed visiting you today!

Cheryl said...

yes... lapbook pics!

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