Tuesday, February 10, 2009

One mom card I probably won't get to play

Growing up my sisters and I knew everything had just hit the fan when my mother raised her voice.

Because she rarely raised her voice.

She didn't go nutty on a regular basis and I never heard her say anything like, oh I don't know, "This place is such a mess that I need a flamethrower."  

For moms who keep their cool the occasional flip out is the parental equivalent of Shock and Awe because they have the element of surprise.

I should probably work on that.


Andrea said...

I like to use "the look" to get my point across. Even our 12 year old has realized that "the look" means straighten up your act.

Cheryl said...

that is SO funny... I complain to my kids that it seems they don't take me seriously unless I am flipping out... of course, when I grow quiet...

Luke Holzmann said...

The element of surprise, it's a very effective tactic. I'm not so sure I have that [smile].


Lisa said...

Not a bad idea.

Tiffany said...

Me either!!! I'm such an overreactor. I've really, really got to work on that. The element of surprise in my house would be that I DIDN'T freak out.

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