This is not an old people eating dog food so they can afford their medicine post.
Seriously. Our dog eats fancier than we do.
But that hasn't always been the case and I can assure you it's not permanent.
We've always bought Zoe quality dog food. Not fancy, but quality. I'd say we bought her the Honda Accord of dog food most of her life.
But then she started itching a lot. If you've ever had a dog that is constantly scratching and biting herself then you know how annoying it is. And noisy.
I'll leave it at that.
We've been trying various medications and injections over the past several months because I was sure the "quality" food I'd been buying wasn't the culprit.
Last Friday I took her back to the vet because she had gone to town on her tail and it was NASTY. He ran some very not cheap blood work to find the cause and decided that her food was in fact the problem.
Because she has food allergies.
And now Zoe is supposed to eat the tricked out Hummer of dog food. Complete with spinners and a state of the art sound system.
How much you ask? Here's a hint: it's not sold in stores but I can pick it up at the vet's office at a cost 4 times what we're paying for her old stuff.
I carted madam's fois gras (not really, but close) home and promptly sat down at the computer so I could use the ingredient list to find a more affordable version.
FYI - If you ever have the need to feel normal just check out the comment section of specialty pet food sites. Oh. my.
I managed to find a nearly identical dog food for half the price which means we'll only have to spend double what we were before.
So, what's that? I think that's the Acura of dog food.
It'd better work.
your description is hilarious but you'll have to get more real info because now I'm very curious! just in case our dog happens to have food allergies too!
I agree with Cheryl--hilarious! I feel your pain. Or at least my m-i-l did for years. She nixed the expensive doggie mix and when with OTC Benadryl. Her dog quit scratching and she could afford her mortgage. Don't know if that's an option for you. I'm not a vet and neither do I play one on TV. Here's to your Acura if it's not.
If our dog tested for food allergies, I would probably cry. We already have 2 egg allergies in the house.
My old roommate figured out that white rice and 1 can of canned chicken would feed the uber senile and allergic dog for one week (small dog) and cost 1/8 the cost of that food.
Zoe would need more than this uber senile and allergic dog but I wonder if making a little chicken and rice concoction would work for her as well...and be cheaper. Not the math.
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