Friday, March 27, 2009

Over at the craft corner...

So after yesterday's post I wanted to put together something inspirational for today.  How about some crafting inspiration?

You didn't know I was crafty?  Well, it's a hidden talent.  I try not to talk about it too often because I don't want to make people feel inferior.  I've found that being crafty is a gift you're either born with or you aren't.  Don't feel bad if you haven't been blessed in this area as I have... we can't all be little Martha's.

I find that the greatest artistic talent lies with the people who can just whip up a creation at a moment's notice.  I believe that research and preparation are overrated.  True art is inspired and not planned, don't you think?

Not to brag, but I had an inspired moment this morning and wanted to share it with you.  Obi Wan-da is currently on a knight kick and needed a proper knight's helmet.  Of course, I gladly volunteered to make her one since I relish any opportunity to show her just how talented her mother is.

All it took were some common household items and an eye for detail.  

I'm happy to show you the final product, but I don't want you to feel bad if you can't duplicate it at home.  It takes years of practice and an innate talent to create a work of art that is simultaneously beautiful and functional...

Okay, the sad thing is that this truly the best I could do.  

Suddenly Obi Wan-da has decided aliens are more interesting than knights.  I wonder why?


Cheryl said...

You are SO funny...

sheet metal to make a knight's helmet isn't the typical household item SO... all things considered... the lacing is well done though!

Kris said...

She looks FAAAAABulous!

I bow in reverence to your talent and skill.

ann marie said...

I'm jealous of your skill. Perhaps you could teach a class! What you lack in crafting ability you more than make up for with humor - and in the words of Martha... "It's a good thing."

Andrea said...

I'm not "crafty" so it looks good to me!

Lisa said...

is that a cheese grater on her head?....

Cheryl said...

okay... I just had to comment again and say Lisa's comment under the circumstances is hysterical! You guys are too much! You must have had the best sleep overs ever!

Cyndi said...

Love the blog! This post made me laugh out loud!

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