Monday, July 21, 2008

A Cheap Little Piece of AC Heaven

It's hot today.  No really.  It's HOT today. 

All I wanted to do today was pop open a can of Dr. Pepper and curl up with my "Mrs. Pollifax" novel in the nice, cool confines of the family room.  Unfortunately, my children don't respond to heat the same way I do.  Let's just say staying at home on a hot day does not inspire the most, um, cooperative behavior in my crew.  Therefore, we had to get out of the house.

But it's hot outside today.

What we needed was a cheap, air-conditioned space where the kids and I could kill a couple of hours together and still come home on speaking terms.   Sounds like IKEA to me.

So we spent the morning wandering around IKEA in all its plastic and lacquer glory (I say reverently) and spent a whopping $7.42 on lunch.  We had such a good time, I almost bought a poang chair just to thank the good folks at IKEA for saving our day.


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