Monday, January 19, 2009

I'd like to thank the Academy...

Actually, I want to thank Tiffany over at Hillside Hollow because she gave me this:

If I were giving an acceptance speech at a fancy awards ceremony, well, first of all, I would wear a terribly beautiful dress: preferably red and without weird cutouts or feathers or excess fabric in oddly unflattering places. Also, I would make sure that my hairstyle that took hours to create would at least look clean and not like a bird's nest when it was done. Finally, I would wear simple makeup and avoid that corpse bride look that includes 1/2" eyeliner and lipstick that came from the makers of "White Out".

Yes, I did watch the Golden Globe Awards last week.

Anyway, Tiffany gave Capicola, Boo Mama and I this award. What a wonderful pick-me-up. Especially since it came from someone I think the world of. I've said on more than one occasion that I want to be like Tiffany when I grow up. It doesn't matter that I might actually be a hair older than her.

Now it's my turn to pass the award along. So, so tough. I'm going to copy Tiffany's criteria:

1) How often do you update your blog?
2) The content of the blog - is it always the same or do you mix it up a bit?
3) My interest in your blog - does it captivate me, does it spark my interest in new things?

I also decided to give it to blogs authored by people I've never met face to face and blogs I haven't mentioned on my blog before. Just 'cuz.

Here are three blogs (of the countless that I regularly follow and love, love, love) that have been alternately making me laugh, cry, think and laugh some more:

And now I'm off to an awards show after party that better have plenty of chocolate on the menu.


Cheryl said...

go Lori! will have to check those others out!

bwah-ha-ha (1st paragraph)

ann marie said...

Hi, I clicked here from Tiffany. Don't you just feel so special being one of the chosen? I read some of your posts and you are funny and I know why Tiffany picked you. I was saddened to see that you have forsaken Jack Bauer. I'm a HUGE 24 fan. It's on tonight. Go ahead, just watch a minute or two, just do it, you know you want to.
ann marie of capicola

Smith Schoolhouse said...

you are so funny and totally deserving of this award! You and AM are my favorite writers by far! You guys are in a league of your own.

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