I am so thankful that I am about 99% done with curriculum planning for next year.
I've made all my selections and I just have to put the finishing touches on my cost comparison sheet so I'm prepared to look for the best deals at the homeschool convention in May. Once that is finished, and PB is welcome to hold me to this, I will not look at any catalogs or web sites in the name of "research" until I hit the convention floor. (It might be a face plant, but I will hit it.)
Of course, I'll start researching again in mid-September when I figure out that something I had thoroughly researched in March doesn't work for us.
But otherwise I'm all done.
I hope you can take this in the most loving Christian manner I can make it...pfbtttt!
Sigh. My curriculum fair is in 3 weeks. I do not have my science chosen or math for 2nd son. I have not decided on writing exactly. And my cost comparison sheet is going to be meeting with me in the wee hours.
I'm done whining now. And the above comes with a rejoicing that someone has completed this task. That means it is physically possible.
really? ya sure??
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