Saturday, May 9, 2009

Thank You List Saturday - Changing things up

I love Saturdays in our home.  PB and I try to keep a relaxed pace - just doing work around the house, grocery shopping, etc. and I usually like it that way.

However, today I'm thankful that we're going to have some pretty cool answers to the question, "What did you do this weekend?"  Because this morning PB is taking the kids to watch a building implode while I crawl through a mud pit with my sister.

There's a nasty old hotel near us that's needed to come down for awhile and this morning the  city is finally going to implode it.  All week Doc has been using his K'nex to set up fake detonators around the house in anticipation of the event (no, that's not disturbing at all).

Meanwhile, EC and I are heading to Disney to take part in Muddy Buddy.  Muddy Buddy is a 6 or 7 mile (I should probably know which one it is) course where a team of 2 people alternate running and biking with intermittent obstacles thrown in for fun.  Oh, and at the end we have to crawl through a giant mud pit before we get to the finish line.  I'll be sure to post before and after pictures.  I could probably win an award for being the least qualified biker, but my biggest fear is getting a paralyzing case of the giggles when we do the obstacles.  And yet I can't wait because it sounds like a blast.  Crazy, right?

Have a great Saturday!


Lisa Hellier said...

Oh, I cannot wait for these. And impressed? Truly I am. I can't remember the last time I rode a bike. They say you never forget, but I'd be suspect of myself.

Andrea said...

Sounds fun! Can't wait to see pictures!

Cheryl said...

we want pictures of the imploding too!

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