Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Just a few Idol thoughts...

1.   Three best performances of the night:  Anoop, Kris and Matt.

2.   Brad Paisley is singing on the results show... yippee!

3.   Ahem, Paula, he's BLIND.


Cheryl said...

Bible study and babysitting last night so we missed!

LOVE the new look... makes me want to work on something crafty!

Andrea said...

Love the new blog look! So springy!

Cindy said...

Brad Paisley!? Oh-I am SO watching! (Hopefully they can keep Paula quiet!)

Cindy said...

oh I forgot-to add-love your new spring look!

Lisa Hellier said...

Add my "love the new look" to your box of chocolates.

And Paula, can the viewers vote on muting your mike during the critique? Think how many votes that would bring.

Kaycee said...

LOL at #3. What is wrong with that woman?

Love the new colors!

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