Wednesday, May 20, 2009

May... It's the new December

Just popping in to say hi during my unintentional blogging break (still not quite sure how long it's going to go on).  I'm way, way, way behind reading blogs and I think Google Reader is going to pass out from exhaustion when I finally get a chance to go through them.  I hope everybody is doing well.

Here's a brief update on things around here:

  • We have three weeks left to go in our school year and I'm definitely having end of year mully grubs.  I was sharing my rundown state with a friend who said, "You just taught your son kindergarten.  You need to sit on that for a while and give yourself a break."  She's a good friend.
  • Looking forward to the upcoming homeschool convention.  I'm a big school supply geek so I'm especially looking forward to the vendor exhibits.  I have a budget.  I must stick to my budget.  Rinse.  Repeat.
  • We're taking three weeks off this summer before diving into 1st grade.  Just three weeks because we get nutty around here with too much time off (a lesson I learned when I tried taking the month of December off - big mistake).  Also, it's too hot to do much outside in July and August so we might as well do school in the AC and take time off to play outside in the fall.
  • It's been raining for three days straight and will likely continue for at least another three.  Our dry state needs as much rain as possible as we head into wildfire season, but my brain needs sunshine or I'll be heading into crazy season.
  • I did the math and realized that we were spending $14 a week on bread (we eat sandwiches everyday for lunch - I'm not original - the kids don't care and neither do I) so now I'm making our bread.  I've been toying with various whole wheat bread recipes and am still searching for the perfect sandwich bread.  Anybody have a good recipe?
  • Also, as soon as I get through my stash of natural peanut butter I got BOGO, I'm going to put my Cuisinart to work making my own.  How hard can it be?
  • I've been on a cleaning binge this month.  I'm approaching every room, closet and shelf with the attitude that at least 30% must go.  I've been a bit of a crazy lady but the rooms I've finished feel great.  PB's pleased with the results but I know he's nervous because the office is next.  And I think the dog is nervous she's going to be pitched with everything else!
  • Thursday night is the season premiere of So You Think You Can Dance and I'm just giddy about it.

I really did read that May is becoming as busy as December for most people.  I truly believe it and am looking forward to a slower June.


Andrea said...

I have made the same comment "May is just as busy as December" several times this month. Lots of end of the school year meetings / awards programs.

Tiffany said...

Nice to get a post from you...I thought maybe you'd fallen off the face of the earth. :0)
I was just thinking about you today and thinking we need to get the boys together. I'll e-mail and we'll plan a time for you guys to come visit.
May and June are both crazy busy for us! I am hoping the July is a little slower. I have big plans to do Christmas in July--make and address Christmas cards, gift tags, gift bags, maybe some gifts, make turkey (just kidding), etc. We absolutely CANNOT take December off this year but yet there is so much to be done...this is my plan. We'll see how it goes.

Kris said...

After a few false starts, I have found a wheat bread recipe that is easy and we love it. I'll get ya the recipe.

Lisa Hellier said...

Good to hear from you. And feeling your pain. I can see the light at the end of my own Mayhem, and it sounds like you can too.

June is a'coming! I celebrate it with you. And so totally excited about SYTYCD! We're HUGE fans over here.

Oh yeah, have great fun at your convention. Can't wait to hear the Economides reports.

Cheryl said...

know about those unintentional blog breaks! have a great time at the convention. I hope the bread making turns out great too.

Smith Schoolhouse said...

fun catching up with you. we always schooled that way in Florida- taking the cooler months off. Now that we live in VA I understand where the traditional summer vacation came from.

Julie said...

I had seen your blog a few times (from clicking on your comments on other blogs) before I'd met you, but just came back to check it out for the first time in a long time. We're just coming off the whole "May (and early June) is as busy as December"...I've been saying that many times lately.

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