Thursday, June 4, 2009

Oh the Wells Fargo wagon is a'comin down the street...

A little shout out for "The Music Man" which is my all-time favorite musical. "Singin' in the Rain" pulls a close second and it would be a tie if it weren't for the ridiculously long Broadway Melody scene. I should clarify that I'm a fan of the original Music Man with Robert Preston in the roll of Professor Harold Hill. Actually, if I could switch out Shirley Jones (from the original) for Kristin Cheonweth (from the 2003 remake) in the role of Marian the Librarian we'd have perfection.


I'm feeling a bit like little Winthrop Paroo today as I keep peaking out my front window waiting for the UPS truck to deliver my Tapestry of Grace curriculum. I researched my little heart out for Doc's 1st grade coursework and I fell in love with the idea of TOG. I poured over all their online samples and started lurking in some yahoo groups to pick up as many tips as possible. Now the only thing left is for me to hold it in my hot little hands.

I called customer service and according to the tracking number it should be arriving TODAY. So clearly I'll continue to be a fickle blogger for the next few weeks as I set up my notebooks and get organized. That's too bad too because I'm starting to get the blogging bug again.

And now, 6 Greecian urns... (go rent "The Music Man" if you don't get that)


Lisa Hellier said...

I sooo know your joy on this. Love, love, love Music Man & would completely support the K.C. change for S.M (who annoys me utterly).

We're a Veritas Press fam, but TOG was so very tempting. The boys while in traditional school had been doing VP & when we yanked them out, I was timid about re-inventing the wheel they were on.

Anyway, I hope your prize package came today. Your fans will await your return to blogging.

Lisa said...

Oh, for real on the Shirley Jones replacement. She is just icky.
And while we're replacing actors in classic musicals, can we please insert Julie Andrews into 'My Fair Lady' where she rightfully belongs?
...2 Greecian urns...

Just Me said...

Hey...wait a minute...I love Shirley Jones! (Side note: once met her at the local zoo by my parents house). My favorite musical of all least old hollywood musical...Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. Gotta love...sobbin' women.

Cheryl said...

I'll have to rent it... I haven't watched too many musicals...

Anonymous said...

Which year of TOG are you going to be using this year? I may have some of the LG books that you can borrow for the year. I can give them to Lisa to pass on to you.

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