Friday, June 19, 2009

Word Count

You know how they say that women speak three times more words a day than men?

Researchers say it's something like 20,000 to 7,000.

I think we actually say an equal number over the course of our lifetimes; it's just that men get the vast majority of their words out the way when they're 6 year old boys.

I'm certain science will back me up on this one.


Tiffany said...

Good to hear from you again! I totally agree about little boys and talking. Joe certainly has as many words as the girls if not more.
Hope you are enjoying the slower pace of summer!

Lisa Hellier said...

I can provide contributing statistics and scientific documentation on this one.

Love the new look. Reading in the feeder means I missed the change.

Becks said...

love that :)

love the look! i need you to come decorate my blog :)

Just Me said...

Well...enjoy it while it lasts...when they turn into teenagers...they won't talk to you at all!! Mostly grunts...and man noises!!

Cheryl said...


Luke Holzmann said...

[smile] I'll have to run my own tests, but I think you may be on to something here!


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